

Click to expand post - 5/16/2024
Ranking every single Minecraft song (1.13 - 1.21)
This is a list of every single Minecraft song ranked from best to least best (They are all really good). This list is based on my personal opinion and is subject to change as new songs are released. [...]
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Click to expand post - 4/27/2024
Ranking every single Minecraft song (Alpha - Beta)
This is a list of every single Minecraft song ranked from best to least best (They are all really good). This list is based on my personal opinion and is subject to change as new songs are released. [...]
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Click to expand post - 4/27/2024
Mockup of a Hardware Device we are creating

image image

Click to expand post - 4/25/2024
After 10 Seasons Overwatch 2 is now ready for release (nearly)
Overwatch 2 launch was extremely weak with the promise of big changes and new features coming in the near future. Naturally, given the events that occurred, we now know that we've been absolutely lie [...]
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Click to expand post - 4/20/2024
Image Test

look at this image: image

Click to expand post - 4/19/2024
Normal Blogpost
Does this work? Does this work? Does this work? Does this work? Does this work? Does this work? Does this work? Does this work? Does this work? Does this work? Does this work? Does this work? Does th [...]
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#bluesky ,#blog - Click to expand post - 4/19/2024
Rust as a Scripting Language
![GuyExplaining](https://media.tenor.com/6RvyvMjx3XMAAAAd/he-is-speaking-guy-explaining-with-a-whiteboard.gif "Guy Explaining Meme") Recently I had to solve a probably very niche problem. A team, of [...]
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#rust ,#tooling - Click to expand post - 11/5/2023